The reviewing process shall involve sending papers to two experts for review action. The manuscript is a confidential document and will be coded for blind review before sending to reviewers; will be kept & processed under high observance of the confidentiality and any communication with the author must be done through the journal and publication office. In case a paper is not accepted, but have minor or major repair status constructive comments will be given to author to improve the paper or in preparing a fresh paper; a given paper is eligible for a maximum two reviews. In this reviewing process, reviewers will be required to give detailed comments to the editor-in-chief who will, in turn, communicate to authors for improvement.
The reviewing exercise will evaluate the manuscript compliance upon the following dimensions or areas: focus, originality, methods, findings, interpretation and conclusions. Other dimensions are references, importance /significance of the work, statistical assessment as well as ethical –related aspects.
If an editor determines that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to go through the normal review process, the manuscript will be rejected with no further processing. If an editor determines that the submitted manuscript is of sufficient quality and falls within the scope of the journal, the manuscript will be forwarded to referees for peer-review. The reviewers submit their reports on the manuscripts along with their recommendation of one of the following actions to the Editor:
- Publish Unaltered
- Publish after Minor Changes
- Review Again after Major Changes
- Reject: Manuscript is flawed or not sufficiently novel
Please read the Authors instructions before submitting your manuscript. The manuscript files will be given the last name of the first author.
Types of papers
TCDJ reviews and publishes three (3) types of scientific articles:
- Research: Major scientific discoveries and original research articles which address important theoretical issues and make a significant contribution to community development.
- Theoretical: Comparing and contrasting specific theories or the presentation of new theories related to community development.
3. Reviews: explanatory overviews and discussions of historical and recent discoveries or theoretical developments within the field of community development